Monday, February 23, 2009

Police Station

Police hide in the Police Station. They like to trick baddies that they're not police. The police make things that are not safe, and if it's a boat they fall into the water with a splash. At rest time they (police) like to have races with some friends. They like the little hide-out friend, and he is very small, so that means he can get into things that the police can't get into. He is very sneaky with baddies. He likes to shoot birds all the time. The police like him killing birds 'cause they don't have much food, 'cause the baddies have stolen it.


  1. Well done, Constable Tim. I knew I'd be safe in your hands! Hardworking policemen are very much needed these days!

  2. I can't wait to see your next Stop Motion Pro Trial, Tim!

  3. I can't wait to see your next Stop Motion Pro Trial, Tim!!
